Friday, July 27, 2012
Several millennia ago nestled in the rich
Euphrates and Tigris River valley was an area called the land of Shinar. Much of that land is now known as Iraq. The land
of Shinar was part of the ‘Fertile Crescent’ or ‘Cradle of Civilization’. Present countries which are part of the
Fertile Crescent include Iraq,
Syria, Lebanon, Jordan,
Kuwait, portions of Northern
Africa (such as Egypt, Libya, and Ethiopia),
portions of Southeast Turkey, portions of Western Iran, the Sinai Peninsula, and
of course Israel
is at the center. Located in the Eastern
section of the Fertile Crescent was Mesopotamia and in Southern Mesopotamia was
the land of the Chaldeans and within Chaldea was a city named Ur.
Also located in Mesopotamia were the city of Babylon
and the Tower of Babel.
This area was where man’s journey began
and according to the Bible this is the same geographic area of focus for the
return of Christ. It is noted that the
Garden of Eden was watered by four rivers, two of which were the Euphrates and Tigris. As
previously mentioned the Euphrates
River will play a major role
near the end of the great tribulation period.
The name ‘Babylon’ in the Bible became synonymous with
a place or system that was and still is void of God’s word or will. It represents man’s best attempts to make it
on his own. Numerous times in the Bible
God warns His people to flee from Babylon.
descendents of Noah occupied areas of the Fertile Crescent
and surrounding areas. For example, sons
of Japheth included Gomer, Tubal and Meshech who migrated northward into what
is presently Turkey.
One of Gomer’s sons named Togarmah also
settled in present day Turkey.
Another of Japheth’s sons named Madai
settled in ancient Persia,
or present day Iran. Japheth’s son Magog settled in an area east
of present day Turkey and
northwest Iran.
Noah’s son Ham also had offspring including
Put, Cush, Mizraim and Cannan. Put is the present day Libya, Cush
is the present day Ethiopia,
Mizraim is the present day Egypt,
and Canaan is present day Israel.
Now Cush also had sons, one of which
was named Nimrod. The Bible reveals that
Nimrod’s kingdom included Babel…in the land of Shinar.
Nimrod and other of Noah’s descendants planned to use their combined
knowledge and technology to make a name for themselves without God.
“And it
came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there…They had
brick for stone, and…asphalt for mortar.
And they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose
top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves…’” Genesis 11:2-4
Notice also from the above that the land
contained asphalt (slime). Other Biblical
terms for this substance include pitch
and bitumen. Today we simply call it oil.
Near the end of the future tribulation
period God will gather Israel’s
enemies together and bring them to Jerusalem,
the heart of the Fertile Crescent, for a great
“Behold the
day of the LORD is coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst. For I will gather all the nations to battle
against Jerusalem…” Zechariah
Israel’s enemies will be the ten
horns of the kingdom prevailing at the time of Christ’s return and the toes of
Nebuchadnezzar’s beast.
“…And I saw
a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns…” Revelation
“... as the
toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall
be partly strong and partly fragile.” Daniel 2:41-42
The prophet Ezekiel identifies Israel’s
enemies who will participate in the great future battle.
“Now the
word of the LORD came to me, saying…set your face against…the land of
Magog…Meshech, and Tubal (all areas of Turkey)…Persia (Iran), Cush (Ethiopia),
and Put (Libya) are with them…Gomer and Togarmah (areas of Turkey) from the far
north…” Ezekiel 38:1-6
Thus the land
of Shinar within the Fertile
Crescent is where history began for man, and it will be in the
same area where God’s chosen people will be restored and their adversaries
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