Friday, October 10, 2014
The consequence of the single sin of
disobedience did in fact change the world.
While Eve was deceived into the sin, Adam consciously ate of the fruit
which God had instructed him not to eat.
When confronted with the sin of
disobedience Eve offered the defense that the serpent had deceived her. The original KJV uses the term
‘beguiled’. In both cases the meaning is
to be led astray, deluded, and/or seduced.
When the results are expressed as a noun synonyms include a lie or sham
resulting in perjury.
Paul in the New Testament revealed that
the serpent’s methods of deceit in Genesis are alive and active in the present
age. He reminded the church at Corinth of false apostles.
“For such
are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of
Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an
angel of light (enlightenment). 2 Corinthians 11:13-14
The initial sin of disobedience in the
garden was/is the cause of the curse that pervades the present age. The curse was to affect the serpent and his
offspring, the woman, the man, their offspring, and their ability to fulfill
God’s plan of stewardship over the earth without great difficulty.
The serpent was cursed above all other
beasts of the field. He would henceforth
crawl on his belly in the dust.
The most significant part of the curse,
however, affected the one who presented himself to Eve as an angel of light,
i.e. Satan himself. Recall his description
in the final book of the Bible:
serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world…” Revelation 12:9
The curse given to the devil introduced
the response of the Creator to the devil’s actions.
“And I (God)
will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” Genesis 3:15
Notice the absolute sovereignty of God as
He proclaims: “I will.”
The Hebrew term for bruise means overwhelm
or break. ‘Head’ means foremost,
supreme, or highest, while heel means basically a ‘protuberant’ or nonessential
In other words, the Seed of the woman
would one day at God’s precise timing totally destroy the enemy, the very one
who deceived her. Her offspring in the
form of flesh and blood would destroy the most powerful enemy of God and man.
The curse directed to the woman included
pain in childbearing and conflict with her mate. While she was originally made to be a partner
to Adam, she would now be required to be submissive to his headship. This newly defined role would cause tension
between husband and wife as she would lose her heretofore independence.
The curse directed to Adam included toil
and effort in all his endeavors as well as death both physical and spiritual.
“For since
by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all
shall be made alive…” 1 Corinthians 15:21-22
The term ‘die’ in the above is from the
Greek apollumi meaning eternal
death. And Christ is the Seed of the
woman first mentioned in Genesis 3:15.
And so it was Adam and Eve were expelled
from the Garden of Eden. They lost
access to the tree of life which was intended to benefit all mankind. Life resulting from sin was not to be man’s
final destiny.
must be noted, however, that God provided more suitable clothing for Adam and
“Also for
Adam and his wife the LORD God made tunics of skin and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21
Once again, the absolute sovereignty of
God is revealed. ‘He made’ and ‘He
clothed’ them.
The fact that He clothed them introduces
the doctrine of the ‘Righteousness Garment’ which would be revealed at a later
And most significantly the fact that God
clothed Adam and Eve with the skins of animals before expelling them from the
garden signifies that innocent blood had been shed to cover their sin of
God’s immutable plan of redemption had
God had pronounced the curse and only God
could remove it.
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