Wednesday, February 25, 2009

President Obama Walks on a Slippery Slope

President Obama has extended an olive branch to the Muslim world including Iran in an interview with the Arab al-Arabiya television network recently. During this interview President Obama spoke of his family ties and affinity with the Muslim community. Many think that he could have had a head start on his efforts to relate to Muslims if he had highlighted his Muslim associations during the presidential campaign. While he garnered 53% of the popular vote in the recent election, one wonders what that percentage might have been if he had made his intent to reach out to the Muslim community his top campaign issue.

A Muslim is defined as a follower and adherent to the religion of Islam; a monotheistic religion which its founder Mohammed considered to be an improved version of Christianity and Judaism combined. A review of Islamic literature reveals that the Koran picks up where the Bible leaves off.

Specifically, Islam recognizes the Pentateuch, the Psalms, and the Gospels but believe they were corrupted and have lost their credibility. That is why Muslims say that the Koran was revealed to their prophet Mohammed, who they claim is the greater and final prophet that succeeds Jesus.

President Obama has displayed extreme courage with his recent peace offerings in light of several factors.

Firstly, consider the current plight of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, i.e. C.A.I.R. This organization, which is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, is one of the major Islamic advocacy organizations operating in the United States. C.A.I.R. was established in the US in 1994 and maintains 32 offices in 20 states.

Very recently the F.B.I. has severed contacts with C.A.I.R. due to the revelation of their financial support of Hamas, the Palestinian offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. President Obama has openly declared that Hamas is a terrorist organization funded largely by Iran. The primary objective of Hamas is the complete annihilation of Israel.

It is ironic that prior to the revelation of the terrorist funding activities undertaken by C.A.I.R. the F.B.I. had for years worked with them at the national level by addressing concerns about hate crimes directed towards Muslims and other civil liberty issues after the September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks.

The question continues to surface, i.e. who is the victim and who is the perpetrator?

It is also very ironic that the charitable organization used by C.A.I.R. to funnel funding to Hamas is the HLF, or The Holy Land Foundation. That name is almost as deceptive as the acronym C.A.I.R. which has now been described by the F.B.I. as little more than a “front organization” for Hamas.

A second issue that reflects President Obama’s courage is that as a Christian he knows that he is admonished to reveal his faith to Muslims knowing that a few may accept and even adopt his faith whereas the majority will reject it altogether. However, he also knows very well that those that reject it do so in accordance with their own free will with absolutely no repercussions from the Christian community. On the other hand any Muslims that choose to convert to Christianity will be subject to the death penalty imposed under their own Sharia law.

President Obama’s Muslim counterparts have already consigned him to Hell for his Christian beliefs. The Koran is very explicit concerning this issue. In fact Islam teaches that there are multiple levels of Hell and the third level, named Hotama, is designed specifically as the eternal destiny for Christian infidels.

So it can be seen that President Obama has indeed stepped out on a very slippery slope with his peace offerings. If he continues to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization, he will offend the Muslims. If he doesn’t condemn C.A.I.R. he will be in direct opposition to his own F.B.I. findings. If he defends his Christianity, he will be condemned as an infidel and enemy by the Muslims. If he compromises with the Muslim world on dividing Israel as a way to achieve peace with them, he will definitely compromise the word of God contained in the Bible on which he swore his presidential oath.

President Obama needs the support of all Americans. We all hope that his level of wisdom can match the level of his vision for peace.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Politically Correct vs. Biblically Correct

It has been said by many that America is great because of its diversity. Just as many have said, however, that America is great in spite of its diversity. Typically associated with diversity in America are acceptance, accommodation, and assimilation of the various cultures and religions associated with such diversity. That brings us to another threat to America’s freedom, i.e. political correctness.

Political correctness has about as many meanings and perceived meanings as there are people in the population. Many are beginning to accept that political correctness trumps objectivity in favor of compromise and capitulation. The popular opinion is emerging that free speech has its limits if it might offend someone else or someone else’s religion. This is becoming a major issue when exposing the truth about Islam. Political correctness may also compromise the truth as when former President Bush in a state of the union address proclaimed that Islam is a religion of peace. There is nothing in the Koran or other Islamic literature that supports such a proclamation.

The Bible is certainly not silent on the subject of political correctness. The Bible is in fact very explicit concerning tolerance and building coalitions or entering treaties with other entities if God’s word and instructions are compromised. When the Israelites returned from Egypt and were about to enter the land of Canaan God gave specific instructions regarding the people that were presently occupying the land.

“When the LORD your God brings you into the land which you go to posses, and has cast out many nations before you…you shall make no covenant (treaty) with them nor show mercy to them. Nor shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to their son, nor take their daughter for your son. For they will turn your sons away from following Me, to serve other gods…But thus you shall deal with them: you shall destroy their altars, and break down their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images, and burn their carved images with fire. For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.” Deuteronomy 7:1-6

Though this passage is very succinct, let’s stress the high points. Firstly, God instructed the Israelites not to make any treaties with the people in the land of Canaan which was to be the home for the nation of Israel. God then instructed the Israelites not to let their children intermarry. The reason for these instructions was to insure that the Israelites would not be influenced by false religions or idolatry. The Israelites were further instructed to destroy anything that pertained to the false gods of any of the people that were presently living in the land of Canaan. There is not much in this passage that suggests acceptance, accommodation, or assimilation of other religions.

Consider another example. After the fall of Judah and upon returning to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple after spending 70 year captivity in Babylon (present Iraq) in approximately 538 BC some non Jewish residents of the land, who didn’t want the Jews to regain status again in Israel, made an insincere offer to help with the project.

“ …they said to them (the Jews who undertook the rebuilding project) ‘Let us build with you, for we seek your God as you do…’ but the leaders of Israel said to them, ‘You may do nothing with us to build a house for our God; but we alone will build to the LORD God of Israel…”’
Ezra 4:2-3

Again there is no acceptance or accommodation in this passage.

For those who would say that these Old Testament passages are irrelevant today, we refer to I Corinthians chapter 10 where several events of Jewish history are recounted and followed with this statement:

“Now all these things happened to them (Old Testament Jews) as examples, and they were written for our admonition…” I Corinthians 10:11

Therefore, the Bible does not teach acceptance or assimilation of ideologies contrary to what God has established. Inasmuch as this great nation was founded on Christian principles it is believed by many that we need not feel obligated to accommodate or assimilate ideologies contrary to those principles; especially ideologies held by those who seek to diminish God’s word or destroy us.

Some minority factions of our citizenry, however, have become so enthralled with political correctness that legislation has been enacted for the protection of individual “rights” of free expression that is contrary to Biblical teachings. A case in point would be the freedom to post atheistic messages next to Nativity scenes.

Political correctness is typically accompanied with compromise on issues that tend to weaken the very foundation on which America was built and is, therefore, a threat to our freedoms and not a virtue.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

President Obama, at Last!

“I Barack Hussain Obama, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend, the constitution of the United States.” And then much to his credit he voluntarily added to this oath the phrase “so help me God.”

President Obama also requested to be sworn in using the same Bible that former President Abraham Lincoln used. His choice of Evangelical Pastor Rick Warren to give the inaugural invocation also revealed more about Mr. Obama.

The above actions taken together reveal that President Obama reinforced his Christianity to the nation and the world. As a Christian it can be inferred that Mr. Obama understands and will abide by the contents of the Bible on which he swore the presidential oath. That is all very good news for America.

By understanding the Bible President Obama knows how and why he was elected. Now must pundits will explain his win in the election by examining the voter demographics, i.e. the percent of Hispanics that voted for him, the percent of African Americans, the percent of young voters, etc. but Mr. Obama’s Bible reveals some interesting insights.

Nebuchadnezzar, the king of ancient Babylon had dreamed about this issue as recorded in the book of Daniel.

“I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at rest in my house, and flourishing in my palace. I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts on my bed and the visions of my head troubled me.”
Daniel 4:4-5

This dream’s central message to Nebuchadnezzar was:

“…In order that the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men.” Daniel 4:17

President Obama’s Bible reveals that his God in His sovereignty established him as president of the United States. This scripture passage tells that God can and does choose ordinary men for extraordinary service.

President Obama’s Bible also gives him a heads up on pressing foreign policy issues. The Bible specifies that a major purpose for nations like America is to fulfill God’s purpose for Israel, the nation that God chose to reveal Himself to the rest of the world.

“I will make you (Israel) a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing; I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you…”
Genesis 12:1-3

“For you (Israel) are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.”
Deuteronomy 7:6

A wonderful example of using powerful nations like America to affect God’s plan for Israel is found in the book of Isaiah where God calls out the king of Persia to free Israel from Babylon and assist them in returning to their own land. An interesting aspect of this prophecy is that God called this king by name 140 years before he was born.

“Thus says the LORD to His anointed, to Cyrus, (King of Persia) whose right hand I have held – to subdue nations before him…that you may know that I, the LORD who call you by your name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob My servant’s sake, and Israel My elect, I have even called you by your name; I have named you. Though you have not known Me.”
Isaiah 45:1-4

Alas, not all presidents and other world leaders have taken the Bible seriously. The consequence of not doing so is also clearly outlined.

“I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land.” Joel 3:2

The last phrase in the above scripture passage clearly addresses the Palestinian question for President Obama’s benefit.

Now there may be those that may not be celebrating Mr. Obama’s presidency for various reasons. However, knowing that he is a Christian and will be relying on the Bible (on which he swore his presidential oath) should be reassuring to this great nation.

So President Obama, the ball is in your court. You have direct access to the God who appointed you to this position, you have His handbook for guidance, and based on the following scripture passage you should have widespread acceptance from the citizens of a Christian nation.

“Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.”
Romans 13:1

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ishmael vs. Isaac; the Battle of the Brothers Rages On

One of the most pressing international issues of today is Islam’s animosity towards Israel and any nation that befriends them. As such, this issue affects nearly every nation on earth. It all began with two brothers.

In about 2165 BC the man Abraham (formerly Abram) was born near the Euphrates River in Babylon, which is the present Iraq. Abraham was called by God to leave the land of his birth and journey to the land of Canaan which was later named Israel. The purpose of God’s calling to Abraham was to begin a nation which would reveal to the whole world that there was but one God, the creator and sovereign ruler of all things.

Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country…to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great…I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Gen 12:1-3

Well Abraham obeyed God and journeyed to Canaan (the future Israel) and dwelt there awaiting further instructions. And the LORD said to Abram… “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are – northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever. And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth…” Gen 13:14-16

Years passed and Abraham and his wife Sarah (formerly Sarai) did not have children. That perplexed Abraham because he questioned as to how his descendants could inherit the land when as yet he had no descendants and both he and Sarah were far beyond their child bearing years.

At this point Abraham thought he would help God fulfill His promise so he suggested to God that a foreign servant who had been made a legal heir to Abraham and part of his household should be the recipient of the covenant and land of promise.

The Lord God answered Abraham immediately: “This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.” Gen 15:4

Still doubting God’s ability to fulfill His promise, Abraham’s wife Sarah gave her maid named Hagar to be a second wife to Abraham so he could father offspring with her in order to fulfill the promise that God made. And sure enough, Hagar conceived. God then spoke to Hagar through an angel; “…I will multiply your descendants exceedingly…Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael…He shall be a wild man; his hand shall be against every man… Gen 16:10-12

Well Abraham then proposed to God that Ishmael, who was indeed from Abraham’s own body, be his legal descendant to inherit the land of promise. God response was; “No, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant…” Gen 17:19

However, God did not dismiss Ishmael from future blessings. “And as for Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall beget twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.” Gen 17:20

“But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you…”
Gen 17:21

And so it was Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90. Not only did God specify that Isaac was to receive the covenant promise, but He later confirmed it when questioned.

Therefore, Isaac was to inherit the land of Israel and rise up a nation that would reveal the one true God to the whole world, and Ishmael was to be the progenitor of the Arab nations. Mohammad, an Arab and the founder of Islam, was born in the 6th century A.D. as a descendant of Ishmael. As can be seen, both Isaac and Ishmael were the sons of Abraham and both are still bitter enemies over which of them is the rightful heir of the covenant and the land called Israel.

Much more to follow.