Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"...The Ten Horns Are Ten Kings..."

According to the Bible the seventh and final gentile kingdom before the return of Christ will consist of ten member nations.

“…And I (John) saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast…having seven heads and ten horns…the angel said to me… The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.’”
Revelation 17:3, 7, 12-13

Bible students believe the prophet Ezekiel sheds light on the identity of these nations. For brevity we’ll identify three of them, i.e. Persia (Iran), Libya, and Togarmah (Eastern Turkey). Presently these nations are Islamic and are located in Northern Africa, which is south of Israel, Iran which is east of Israel, and Turkey which is north of Israel.

The ten horns representing the ten member nations of the final gentile kingdom are the same as the ten toes of the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. They are also the same as the ten horns of the fourth great beast in Daniel’s dream. Both dreams speak of the federation of nations under the future leader’s rule during the prophet Daniel’s seventieth week, or seven years.

Recall also that the feet of the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream had been compromised, i.e. weakened because the iron toes were mixed with clay.

“Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it…and as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.”
Daniel 2:41-42

The above passage states the toes themselves are part iron and part clay. That would indicate that some or all of the member nations of that final federation will have compromising ideologies either within themselves or as national entities.

The current uprising in several Islamic nations is termed ‘Arab Spring’. The naïve believe that the end result will be the toppling of those authoritarian regimes and replaced with democratic governments. It is also believed by most that the uprisings were/are being spawned by young people demanding an end of oppression. That may have been the beginning spark; however, renowned scholar on Muslim affairs Walid Phares wrote an article recently entitled, ‘Muslim Brotherhood Riding the Crest of Arab Spring’. The Brotherhood is representing themselves as an unassuming stabilizing force and the answer to the unrest.

Consider further that Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan was touring Northern Africa’s Muslim nations recently and presenting Turkey’s model as the key for success for those Muslim nations. This model consists of an Islamic-based political party governing a secular democracy.

If Erdogan’s model is adopted in any of these nations it will definitely have the affect of compromise, i.e. iron mixed with clay. Or it may be that the nations representing the toes will wage war against each other during those final days.

“At the time of the end the king of the South shall attack him (the future leader of the ten nation federation); and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind…But news from the east and the north shall trouble him; therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many…”
Daniel 11:40-44

No one can deny that there are exciting times ahead. Our response to that truth should include being informed so each individual can take a stand. In fact, the single most important decision that anyone will make in their lifetime is on which side their trust will be placed. And according to both Islam and Christianity, one must take a side. ‘Chrislam’ is not a viable option.

It is helpful to study Islam along with Biblical teachings so as to better understand future prophetic events. One issue common to both sources of information is that Turkey will definitely have a profound place in future world events. In several weeks we’ll do a column listing other specific major issues that both the Bible and Islam agree on.

Monday, October 3, 2011

"...The Seven Heads Are Seven Mountains..."

After the defeat and apparent demise of the Ottoman Empire, the new Republic of Turkey was established under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal in 1923. Kemal’s vision for the transformation of the fledgling republic of Turkey included modernization, westernization, and secularization. This agenda did not set well with many Muslims. The dilution of Islamism with western influence stirred a pious Egyptian Muslim named Hassan al-Banna in 1928 to found what is still known as the Muslim Brotherhood. In al-Banna’s mind it was time to revive the ‘Ottoman Empire’ and reinstate the Islamic caliphate.

After WW I al-Banna forged relationships with several German and Italian leaders who shared common ideologies. The foundation of the Muslim Brotherhood was greatly influenced by these leaders and ideologies.

The Muslim Brotherhood is presently the largest Muslim organization in the world with many offshoots operating in more than 80 countries. Three such influential offshoots that are very active in America today include the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), and the Muslim Students Association (MSA) just to name a few.

While the republic of Turkey had its origin with westernized aspirations contrary to the agenda of the defeated Ottoman Empire, the present situation appears to be open to change. Turkey’s present Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is a Muslim. Erdogan raised eyebrows recently when he stated that the term ‘moderate Islam’ is offensive and that ‘Islam is Islam’. Therefore, the future direction of the Republic of Turkey is in question.

According to Islamic literature, however, the future of Turkey has already been determined and recorded centuries ago. Present Islamic author Adnan Oktar (pen name Harun Yahya) sums up numerous Islamic hadiths with these words:

“The establishment of the Turkish-Islamic Union will be the salvation of everyone, of people of all faiths, all nations and all opinions, not just of the Islamic world. This union will bring love, brotherhood, friendship, plenty and abundance to the world. The Turkish-Islamic Union to be established under Turkish leadership will be instrumental in the world attaining an entirely new beauty…and in the construction of a powerful and deep-rooted civilization. By Allah’s leave, the establishment of the Turkish-Islamic Union is an absolute certainty. This is the destiny ordained by Allah. One of the main proofs that the Turkish Nation will fulfill this historic responsibility is the way that in the hadith about the end times our Prophet…makes particular reference to Istanbul and to Turkey. As revealed by the Prophet…Hazrat Mahdi will be active in Istanbul, will construct the Turkish-Islamic Union by bringing the dispersed Turkic states back together…”

Yahya goes on to state, “The foundation of the Turkish-Islamic Union will take place without a drop of blood being spilled…”

To paraphrase Yahya’s dissertation, Islam’s coming savior will re-establish the Islamic Caliphate in present day Turkey. The caliphate will be re-established peacefully without any bloodshed.

Summarizing, the Roman Empire has really never been dissolved. Its eastern leg survived in the form of Byzantium until 1453 AD when it was overtaken by the Ottoman Turks. The capital of Constantinople (Istanbul), however, was maintained during the Ottoman reign. The Republic of Turkey subsequently designated Ankara as their capital. And while the Ottoman Turks were defeated in WW I when they sided with Germany, Islamic literature states that the final Islamic caliphate will be re-established in Turkey under their coming Mahdi, i.e. savior.

Much can be learned by studying Islamic literature relative to Turkey’s prominent future.

“…And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast…having seven heads and ten horns.”
Revelation 17:3

“Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven…”
Revelation 17:9-12

Perhaps Islamic prophecy has identified the seventh mountain (kingdom) in the above scripture: 1) Egyptian, 2) Assyrian, 3) Babylonian, 4) Media/Persian, 5) Greek, 6) Roman, 7) Ottoman Turks …Republic of Turkey…Turkish – Islamic Union.

To be completed next week.